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This time is about equivalent drop test for package freight.
This test has been performed to evaluate the drop shock absorb of packaged freight by
shock machine.
In this test, tested package freight is placed on the shock table, and short duration shock pulse is generated on the shock table.Then inside package is caused shock acceleration and damaged.
The name of "equivalent" drop test means that we can get same test results, peak acceleration inside package, between the equivalent drop test using shock machie and free fall test using
drop tester.
This test method has been regulated in JIS-Z-0202 as Method of Drop test for packaged freight.
In this regulation, the value of velocity change of generated shock pulse on the shock table equals the impact velocity from the height of free fall test.
For example, the velocity change have to adjust 3.96m/s when you carry out 80cm free fall test by formula Δv=√2gh. Δv means velocity change, g is gravity acceleration and h is free fall height.
This formula is leaded by Equivalent Drop Theory.
If you want to unerstrand this theory, you need the knowledge of about Shock Response Spectrum.
However, this theory may not perfect to match for borh of 2 tests.